03rd International Conference on Sustainable Development

27th & 28th February 2020 @ Pretoria , South Africa.

Call for Papers

After successfully organizing three conferences in 2018, the Global Academic Research Institute (GARI), Sri Lanka, a scientific research conference organizer will be organizing the 03rd International Conference on Sustainable Development (TICSD 2020) from 27th & 28th February 2020 under the theme of "Moving Forward: The SDGs in practice". We welcome proposals for submission of research papers for 02nd International Conference on Sustainable Development, addressing the conference theme. Invitations for abstract submissions are now open for both Oral and Poster presentations covering current research and new processes. All contribution should be of high quality and embody original work. Papers received will be reviewed by eminent scholars in the respective areas.

The aim of Conference is to provide a platform for academics, researchers, professionals, administrators, educational leaders, policy makers, industry representatives, advanced students, and anyone in the domain of interest from around the world to discuss. Please note that speakers are encouraged to submit a full paper before the conference. In addition, all the submitted full papers will be review by journal editorial board and few high-end papers will be published in international GARI e-Journal having ISSN (GARI International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research ) and All Selected papers will be published conference printed proceedings & DVD having ISBN as well as conference library page.

For abstract submission fill in the online submission form or send abstract to helpdesk@gariteam.com Presentation time allocated 20 mins (15 min presentation 05 min questions)

Conference Scope


The 17 UN SDGs
Economic Sustainability
Environmental Sustainability
Socio Cultural Sustainability
Sustainable Human Development
Sustainable Consumption and Production
Poverty Eradication
Sustainable Management
Technological Development
Corporate Governance Towards Sustainable Development
Accountability Ethics and Security
Sustainable Tourism
Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency & Standards
Agriculture, Climate and climatic changes
Ecology and Biodiversity Conservation
Green energy systems
Hazardous waste and waste treatment/Management
Innovative clean technologies
Responsible Tourism
Education & Distance Learning
Language and Literature Studies
Entrepreneurship Models to Advance Sustainable Solutions
How Digital Innovation Leads to Inclusivity and Sustainable Development Resilience
Indigenous Knowledge Approaches to Sustainable Development Goals
Construction, Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation in Land Use and Development Planning
Implementation of the Paris Agreement
Closing Gender Gaps in Knowledge and Standards
Climate Change
Waste Reduction
Data Utilization
Power Crisis Management
Urban Studies & Smart Materials
Health and Medicine
Community Medicine and Public Health
Mental Health
Water and Rain Forest
Biodiversity conservation
Food Resources and Security
Drug Abuse Prevention
Sustainable Computing for Rural and Urban Development

Important Dates


Abstract submission deadline
31stDecember 2019
Notification of acceptance
Within 03 Days
Full paper submission deadline
31st January 2020
Registration Deadline

Submission Guideline


Full Paper
Abstract Submission Template
Every presentation give 20min allocated (15min presentation & 05min questions)

Registration Fees


For Foreign Participant
Delegates (Presenter) USD 290
Student / Virtual Delegate USD 275
Delegate (Listener) / Co-Author USD 260
Additional Paper USD 165




Pretoria, South Africa
Pretoria, South Africa